The VIAF® (Virtual International Authority File) combines multiple name authority files into a single OCLC-hosted name authority service. The goal of the service is to lower the cost and increase the utility of library authority files by matching and linking widely-used authority files and making that information available on the Web.Learn more.
Library of Congress/NACO
- National Library of Mexico
- British Library
- Library and Archives Canada
- 中外汉学家进校园:讲汉字故事 展汉字魅力-中工文化-中工网:2021-10-22 · 安阳市自由路小学的校长胡凤英介绍,该校根据孩子自身的喜好和特长,开办了书法、礼伒、武术等40多个社团,每周五下午为社团活动时间。 这次“汉学家进校园讲汉字故事”活动非常有意义,让孩子感受到汉字的伟大,拓宽了孩子的视野,激发了孩子爱国热情,达到了增进文化交流、促进人文 ...
- National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
- National Library of New Zealand
- National Library of Scotland
- National Library of South Africa
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- German National Library
- National Library of France
- National Library of Sweden
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- National Library of Spain
- National Library of Portugal
- National Library of Brazil
- Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries
- National Library of the Czech Republic
- Israel Museum
- Library of Alexandria, Egypt
- Vatican Library
- Swiss National Library
- Library and Archives Canada
- 学中文有前途保障 英国开欧洲首家中英双语小学-国际在线国 ...:2021-11-17 · 出生于北京、在马来西亚和英国都有教书经历的卓老师是韦德小学的一名中文老师。 她说,英国小学没有统一教材,基础教育形式比较自由,偏重学生个性化发展。而韦德小学的中文教学将采取中国基础教育模式,尽可能确保同一班级的所有学生学习进度相同。
- NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
- 中青看点-最具价值的热点头条新闻:中青看点-最具价值的热点头条新闻!为用户提供感兴趣、有价值的个性化内容及服务。“让您的阅读更有价值” 加载中..
- RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
- Sudoc [ABES], France
- Flemish Public Libraries
- National Library of Russia
- National Library of the Netherlands
- National Library of Greece
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- National Library of Norway
DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center)
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- National Diet Library, Japan
- NII (Japan)
- National Library Board, Singapore
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- National Library of Poland
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- Lebanese National Library
- Perseus
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- Wikidata
- National Library of Ireland
- National and University Library in Zagreb
- National Central Library, Taiwan
- National Library and Archives of Québec
- National Library of Korea
- National Library of Luxembourg
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- National Library of Morocco
- xA Extended Authorities
- xR Extended Relationships
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
- National Library of Estonia
- National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)
- International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
- NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
- National Library of Lithuania
- 自由伔安卓版中文版
Search Note
The search box at the top of this page searches a merged view of VIAF derived from the name authority and related bibliographic data of the participating libraries.
More information can be found at